Searching for a job can be full-time job on its own. And it’s overwhelming.
I don’t need to tell you what the job market is like. You already know. But, if this can help even one person, I’ll consider today a good day:
📅 You don’t need to do it all in one day.
🦶 You can take it one step at a time.
😴 It’s okay to take a break and reset.
Too often I see people applying, networking, and upskilling 24/7 — and what does it lead to? Stress. Anxiety. Depression. Burnout.
Day one, you’re giving it 110%. A couple weeks later, 80%. A month or two, 60%.
How can you look back and say you gave it everything you got if you started off with a sprint, burnt yourself out, and are running the rest exhausted and on fumes?
The job hunt is not a race. It’s a marathon. Pace yourself or not only will you not reach the finish line, but you may never even see it to begin with.
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